Schoolwide Expectations » Schoolwide Expectations

Schoolwide Expectations

PS 94
  Respect for all  Own my behavior Always act safely Responsible choices 
Stay in my seat 
Inside voices 
Face forward
Pay attention to the speaker
Be an active listener
Walk in the auditorium
Remain in my seat
Keep eyes and ears on the presentation
Clap to show appreciation
Flush toilet, wash and dry hands
Give others privacy
Wait my turn
Clean up after myself
Always have my bathroom pass
Put paper towels in the trash bin
Return promptly 
Tell an adult if I have a problem 
Inside Voices
Hands and feet to yourself
Share seating
Follow the driver and matron's instructions
Walk on and off the bus
Wear my seatbelt
Look both ways before crossing
Turn in found items 
Go to your destination quickly and quietly 
Follow directions
Wait my turn
Stay with my class always
Wait my turn
Follow the directions of the adults in the cafeteria
Clean up my area
Stay in assigned seats and designated areas
Try my best to always follow the expectations 
Be a helpful friend
Arrive on time, daily
Follow class expectations
Raise my hand
Include and accept everyone's uniqueness
Come prepared
Set goals 
Try my best
Ask for help when needed
Remain with my class always
Ask for permission to leave
Sign in and out when I am leaving the classroom
Ask permission
Be honest
Make smart choices
Quiet in the hallways and stairs
Hold the doors
Follow instructions
Walk with my class in two lines
Walk quietly 
Walking feet, hands at sides, looking forward
Walk on the right side of the hallway
Have a hall pass
Keep hallways and stairs clean
Go to my assigned destination quietly and quickly
Play fairly 
Take turns
Include everyone
Solve problems peacefully 
Follow directions 
Wait your turn 
Apologize for mistakes 
At whistle, line up quickly and quietly
Call an adult for help 
Play gently
At whistle, line up quickly and quietly
Gather up all equipment 
Gather all my belongings